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Sci-fi and Young Adult author: sometimes both. Dad, geek, diver. Tea, no coffee. @MikeCamel

Monday, 25 March 2013

...looking at all that chocolate... #100wcgu post

... I knew there was only one option. You have a duty as a parent to do the right thing. It's not always easy, but if I can't put my children first, then what kind of a dad am I? Luckily, their mum agrees with me, and we take the difficult decisions together. Tomorrow would be Easter Day, and there were mountains of it, all for the kids. I looked at it, and made a decision. I reached for the first chocolate egg: lots of munching to do if we were to eat all of their chocolate before morning.

This is a 100 word challenge for grown-ups: for more details, and other entries, see #100wcgu.