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Sci-fi and Young Adult author: sometimes both. Dad, geek, diver. Tea, no coffee. @MikeCamel

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

... the unseasonal weather meant ...

... that the cats spent longer on the decking than usual, arriving soon after their respective breakfasts, ready to make the most of the baked-light wood, furrily repitilian in their worship of this unexpected spring. They lay at all angles: barlines across the grain, lazy numerals, or following the ruled lines in a feline cursive that could flex and morph to tell the story of the day - bluebottles tracked, birds half-regarded, human feet considered for half-hearted nuzzling - until, as suppers neared, they would stretch and erase themselves, leaving a surface yearning for renewed meaning on a new day.

This is a #100wcgu entry.


  1. From J (daughter 1): "I like this 100wcgu because it gets you hooked (even if there might be a bit too much descriptive words). In our class we use something called the power of 3 which means you use 3 adjectives (describing words) to describe something (a noun). For example, "I once saw a rusty, moss-covered, rickety-rackety car"."

  2. Thanks, J! I decided to use this #100wcgu to practice my descriptions, because I sometimes feel I don't do enough. If you look carefully, you'll see that I did use the power of three, but I chose three phrases, and extended the 3rd one to make it almost the point of the piece.

  3. J says: "I found 2! They are: the 3 positions the cats lie in and the story of the day."

  4. Very poetic writing.

    "furrily repitilian in their worship of this unexpected spring," has a wonderful rhythm.


  5. It's snowing here. The moisture is welcome. It's been unseasonably warm the past couple of springs and led to a lot of wildfires.

  6. We have snow here, in the UK, though wildfires are rare. Where are you based?

  7. I love it especially 'feline cursive' :-)
